Debugging Kiali

How to debug Kiali using traces.

Kiali provides the ability to emit debugging traces to the distributed tracing platform, Jaeger or Grafana Tempo.

The traces can be sent in HTTP, HTTPS or gRPC protocol. This is specific for the collector type otel - Jaeger traces are sent by http. It is also possible to use TLS. When tls_enabled is set to true, one of the options skip_verify or ca_name should be specified.

The traces can be sent in OTel or in Jaeger format. This is changed in the collector_type setting.

      collector_type: "otel"
      collector_url: "localhost:4317"
      enabled: false
        protocol: "grpc"
        tls_enabled: true
        skip_verify: false
        ca_name: "/tls.crt"

The traces emitted by Kiali can be searched in the Kiali workload:

Kiali traces

Last modified December 6, 2023 : fix "debbuging" typo in page name (#729) (ebc4036)